Online casinos have been around for quite some time now but the fact that they are different from the traditional casinos has not done them any good. In fact, critics have come out even stronger against the concept than they’ve ever done before. Most of the misconceptions arise from ignorance or a certain eagerness to jump to conclusions by some people. Illegal online casinos have also played a role in creating these misconceptions. We’ve come across unlimited “facts” and advice, which are in real sense myths and misconceptions. However, the worst advice we’ve probably ever heard is such things like:
Online Gambling is more addictive than the traditional one
Now this here is outright false. Yeah, gambling online makes one lose the sense of time but how different is this from an actual real Casino? Addiction, or lack thereof, depends on an individual not the Casino.
Playing in online casinos exposes your computer to viruses
Absurd! I mean, what respectable Casino would send viruses to their clients. That would not only destroy the gambler’s computers but also the Casino’s servers, not forgetting their reputation as well. Let’s also not forget that gamblers have the responsibility of protecting their systems by using updated antivirus software.
Online casinos allow underage players
This has created a big discussion among parents and other concerned parties. This, while it may exist in some casinos, is a big lie. Online casinos have put in place tight measures to prevent this. They verify their players’ age with their credit card provider and/or bank.
Personal information is not safely kept by these sites
This only applies to unlicensed sites. This can actually be solved by looking for a licensed Casino that uses SSL Encryption Technology, which is the best in personal data security.
All online Casinos are scams and don’t pay
While there are many illegal Casinos that take off with your money, most online casinos are actually legit. Cases of non-payments are rare among licensed sites, which doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. Typically, a casino may hold/cancel your payment if, for instance, they have reason to suspect that you cheated or used fraud.
All the games in an online casino are rigged in favor of the casino
Now, this is actually based on ignorance. The truth is, the slots online casinos use are controlled by a computer that randomly picks the winner. Also contrary to popular belief, the system is based on luck, and not experience.
Online casino games are more challenging than land-based ones
False! The rules of gambling apply across both of them. Most who have actually played both will find them equally challenging. The differences in rules or challenge which may occur are just like the differences in the same land-based Casinos.
As a matter of fact, online casinos and land-based Casino games are played more or less the same way. There may be some differences in the software used or the payout amounts but pretty much everything else remains constant. It would be hard believing without seeing and that’s why we recommend you try both and find out which one you like more. There are plenty of sites out there that offer free games for new clients, you can take advantage of that and get a feel of an online casino.